Effective Date:
December 1, 2011
Appendix 11: Transfer agreements
There are no transfer agreements between thecollege and other institutions.
Transfer Credits
Students who have completed credits at another recognized college oruniversity may apply for credit transfer only at the time of initial enrolment.For transfer credit consideration, a student must submit a Prior LearningAssessment application and all official transcripts indicating successfulcompletion of relevant coursework with a passing grade of 60% or better.
At the Senior Educational Administrator’s discretion, a student may alsobe required to submit additional course information such as a course catalog:description and syllabus. If the Senior Educational Administrator determinesthat transfer credit will not be given for a particular course, the student maybe required to prove competency via an examination challenge (see below) or mayapply for a credit exemption. Transfer credit will be indicated with a grade ofT on transcripts but will not factor into a student's grade point average.
Appendix 34: Prior Learning Assessment Policy
In the event that a student applies for a transfer, the Senior EducationalAdministrator will be consulted. He will evaluate the documents to prove prioreducation, may contact the previous institution, and will likely ask thestudent to write an exam/paper to show competency for the transfer.