Effective Date:
September 7, 2015
A.Principles of Prior Learning Assessment
Students who have completed credits at anotherrecognized post-secondary institution, college or university may apply forcredit transfer only at the time of initial enrolment. Thefee is $250 for Canadian residents, and $500 for International students.
For transfer credit consideration, a student mustsubmit a Prior Learning Assessment application and supporting documentation. Documentationmay include, and not be restricted to the following: transcripts of courses orcertificates/diplomas from other post-secondary institutions.
At the Senior Educational Administrator’sdiscretion, a student may also be required to submit additional courseinformation such as a course outline, description and/or syllabus.
For courses taken at a TCM Post-secondaryinstitution, the Transfer Credit will be assessed based on the SEA’s review ofthe course outline, or other documentation provided about the TCM course(s).
For courses taken at non-TCM post-secondaryinstitutions, the student will be asked to write an equivalency exam to showcurrent knowledge of the course work. The pass rate for Equivalency exam(s)written will be 70%.
Transfer credit will be indicated with agrade of TC on transcripts but will not factor into a student's grade pointaverage.
A note on Transfer of Credits from TCM Institutions:
Transfer of credits from another recognized school of TCM may beaccepted, but the number of transferred credits of one academic year should notexceed the number of credits (hours) normally earned by a student at the Collegein one academic year. There will be an application/registration fee charged toall transfer students.
Prior Learning Assessment/ TransferCredit Assessment continued
B.Procedures of Prior Learning Assessment
1. Application for credit transfer may only be madeat the time of initial enrolment.
2. The fee is $250 for Canadianresidents, and $500 for International students.
3. The student must submit a Prior LearningAssessment application and provide supporting documentation. Documentationmay include and not be restricted to the following: transcripts of courses orcertificates/diplomas from other post-secondary institutions.
4. If the Prior Learning is from a TCMCollege, the SEA will accept the Transfer of Credits on a course-by coursebasis, based on the course content.
5.If the Prior Learning is from any non-TCM post-secondary institution, thestudent will be asked to write an exam to determine that he/she has theknowledge necessary to obtain credit for the course in question. The pass rate for the exam is 70%.